Thermal Imaging Doesn't Lie.

At Green Home Improvements, we use thermal imaging to spot air leaks, like having X-ray vision for your home. This lets us make targeted insulation fixes, keeping your place cozy and saving you money on energy bills. Let's make your home comfier and your wallet happier!

Because their comfort matters.

Our insulation pros are all about keeping you comfy. With thermal imaging, we make sure no spot needing insulation or weatherization gets missed. We've got your back, and your home's too.

Savings Matter as well..

Let's talk air sealing. It's like the sidekick to insulation, stopping unwanted airflow and boosting insulation's superpowers. Without it, insulation can't fully stop heat transfer, making your energy bills soar and your comfort plummet. The EPA says sealing air leaks and adding insulation can cut heating and cooling costs by up to 20%. Using thermal imaging, we can spot these leaks easily, highlighting where your home's heat is escaping. So, air sealing is a must for top-notch energy efficiency and keeping your home comfy.